Gekkotruck offers the only affordable alternative to a self-build expedition vehicle - actually, the price of parts in germany, even without the high labour costs, already force a basic 7.5 tonne expedition vehicle to cost close to 120K EUR - whilst some expedition vehicle companies build/self EMPTY GFK rear cabins, that are advertised as costing between 15 and 25K, the reality is that this cost is just a fraction of the total build costs of a usable and serious world tourer - plus, unless you are already a professional in the industry, the build quality will likely be well less than you desire - given that mass production techniques are in general not relevent to these vehicles, then the only alternative is to levérage cheaper labour/parts and supply chains - hence Gekkotruck - German, base vehicle, Polish craftsmen-built living cabin and refurbishment.
Case study 1: Unimog 416 Doka (self-build) - we bought this vehicle 8 years ago, and have maintained/operated over the years, and got to appreciate the uniqueness and efficiency (if not beauty) of the design - a number of years ago, whilst passing by Lake Balaton in Hungary, we met someone who knew the designer-builder...I wish I had taken his contact details down - brilliant design !
Case study 2: Unimog 435 L27 (triple) - Gekkotruck no.1 (the flagship) - we built this vehicle as an upgrade to our existing tourer, and as a technology demonstrator for Gekkotruck - this vehicle has more fitted than would normally be supplied, but also includes key design features available as standard in all Gekkotruck models - many of these features are included because of our Unimog 416 Doka - we have also included features that represent the best practises of the Expedition vehicle industry, as well as experience gained in many expedition (and non expedition campers) by our suppliers - quite simply, to build the best, you should sensibly include some level of Chinese innovation (means, understand, and copy well !)
Case study 3: Scania 14 tonne / 5m box - we are building this vehicle for a life driving across Africa for a couple that know the continent well - we have a focus on strength and functionality, but also for a pleasant living environment - the box uses a 60mm wall with a 2.3mm strengthened outer.
Case study 4: Steyr 14 tonne / 5m box - we are designing a box to tolerate months in Siberia, with winters colder than minus 30 C, with a system of 'backups' for core items such as heating, given the harshness of the climate.