STAR DOKA - 1466 (MAN)



The STAR vehicle is based on a long heavy vehicle AWD pedigree from Poland/Eastern army vehicle design. However, it benefits from being fitted with many MAN components (engine FURO II, MAN L2200 cab) following the purchase/incorporation of STAR into the MAN group. It is an extremely robust and proven heavy vehicle type for which replacement parts are available from MAN - this vehcile model represents good off-road abilities, excellent reliability and all within a very economic price compared to the usual brands. This particular vehicle model was produced for the fire service, and boasts a DOKA cab configuration, along with a long chassis and 6WD configuration, suitable for a minimum 5m long living cabin. It can drive up tp 60 degree slopes, 40 degree side slopes, 1m deep tranches, and ford through 1.2m water)

Engine Size 8 litre Original Build year to 2006
Engine power 217 hp Re-build year 2016
Torque - Registered seats 5
Empty weight 6 tonnes Kilometers (before build) 8000
Max. weight 12 tonnes Kilometers (current) 22000
Gears 2 low, 4 high Manufacturer STAR (MAN)
Differential lock - Dimensions  (LxHxW) 8.4 x 3.8 x 2.55
Max. speed 86 km/h Cabin Dimensions (Int.) 5 x 1.95 x 2.55
PRICE 100K EUR Number of berths 6 (2 doubles, 2 singles)


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